Blue State's Unite. Here's the national debt figures. $National Debt

Thursday, February 03, 2005

A Record Breaking Family

While I was flipping through my Guinness Book of World Records (2000 edition) I happened to notice that the most expensive presidential election (at the time) was George HW's (it was worth about $30 million). I guess W has to beat his dad at everything, inaugurations and even wars with Iraq


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, adjusting for inflation, Clinton's 2nd Inauguration cost far more han Pres. Bush's. But, hey, don't let mere facts interfere with your rant. You're the next Barabara Boxer! Your parents would be so proud.

8:02 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

I don't know the figures on election campaign expenses, under any of these elections, but let me point out one thing -

"Adjusting for inflation"?! Come on... inflation over the last 15-20 years has been quite low, historically speaking. Inflation between either 1988 or 1992 and 1996 doesn't amount to much.

So, I have no idea how much Clinton spent in 1996, but I highly doubt it has anything to do with inflation. But go ahead, prove me wrong...

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



2:32 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

Just a thought - with all these unneeded insults some of these guys are putting up on here, one idea is to just shut off the "comments" entirely.

For the commenters on here, without arguing whether you're right or wrong, just think of it this way: it's rather cowardly to go insulting someone and just leave "Anonymous" for your name, don't you think?

3:01 PM  

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