screw prochoice
i know im a democrat but i think if you are a women and dont want a baby you should take precautions. if you dont then you deserve to have that baby. even if you dont want the baby treat it good or forefeit it and put up for adoption but dont lie and say "i will take care of it" and then dont or go to jail. you should not snuff out a life because you screwed up/.
ur not a democrat, u a communist!
Yes, it would be great if everyone took more precautions and thought before they acted, but the truth is people don't. And what if the woman was raped? Could she have "taken precautions" against that? Regardless, the reason why women get abortions is usually because they don't have the capacity to take care of a baby. That baby would be born to a very difficult, deprived life and would have probably been better off never living in the first place than living a hard life and dying an early death. Once again, Mr. Awful Grammer, think about your opinions a little more before yelling them to the world. And then proceed to your local mental hospital.
Your right - I shouldve taken precautions
Booboo says he's sorry to steve's mom and should have wrapped it up, relaying through me cause he was caught with the ranger's wife earlier today.
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