Blue State's Unite. Here's the national debt figures. $National Debt

Monday, February 07, 2005

Bush Joke

George W. Bush, Picasso, and Einstein all die on the same day (avoid all reality). When Einstein shows up at the gates to heaven St. Peter tells him to prove that he's Einstein. So Einstein aks for a chalkboard. He gets it and proves the theory of realativity. St. Peter lets him in. Next Picasso shows up and St. Peter asks him to prove that he's Picasso. He walks over to the board that Einstein used and draws a beautiful piece of art. Next George W. shows up and St. Peter says "Picasso and Einstein proved that they are who they claim to be. How are you going to prove your George Bush?" and Bush replies "Who the hell are Picasso and Einstein?" "Come on in George"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This Joke Sucks. Get Serious Steve.

2:31 PM  

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