Tuesday, November 22, 2005
canada is an asshole. they really hate our economic supierority. hey just because you named your country by pulling letters from a hat (c ehh, n ehhh, d eehhh). learn to make something more that syrup and oil (saudi arabia's wealth will fall soon...)
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Freedom of Speech
We have no freedom of speech. It is an illusion. Even this blog is being monitored. If they dont like it they delete it. Please save the freedoms we really have before protecting one that is an illusion.
Friday, November 11, 2005
they coaxed me in
You are a Social Moderate (41% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (35% permissive) You are best described as a:
Link: The Politics Test on Ok Cupid Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
screw prochoice
i know im a democrat but i think if you are a women and dont want a baby you should take precautions. if you dont then you deserve to have that baby. even if you dont want the baby treat it good or forefeit it and put up for adoption but dont lie and say "i will take care of it" and then dont or go to jail. you should not snuff out a life because you screwed up/.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
all the negative comments
all you fucking assholes can burn in hell. i dont give a damn what you think. i am right your are fucking wrong get it through you fucking thick skull. o sorry that blocks all reason!!! i see our future clear as crystal but you see it though a five inch piece of steel. when i die from a world war started by the chief of fuckers (dubya) i will die knowing i was right. while you live on pondering why you didnt listen! sure youll be glad im dead but why i was right. im sick of taking shit from my lessers (you) . you are the people that make me want to die.
Bowling for Columbine
i just seen part of that movie (by micheal moore)
things that scare me in this movie
1.Micheal Moore
2.Micheal Moore is from Michingan
3.there is a bank that gives out gun with every new account
4. this is in michigan
5.a bank is giving away guns
6.a bank is giving Moore a gun
7.a barbershop that sells ammo
8.thats in michingan
9.the michigan militia
blah blah blah
at least hes fighting the man
things that scare me in this movie
1.Micheal Moore
2.Micheal Moore is from Michingan
3.there is a bank that gives out gun with every new account
4. this is in michigan
5.a bank is giving away guns
6.a bank is giving Moore a gun
7.a barbershop that sells ammo
8.thats in michingan
9.the michigan militia
blah blah blah
at least hes fighting the man
Thursday, August 11, 2005
I Demand Action
I hate the fact that we (Americans) KNOW (NOT GUESSES NOT "I THINK..." BUT KNOW) that there are concentration camps in Bosnia but we do not admit that because we dont want to get invovled. Everyday people are killed because they are different. This especially pissies me off because we invaded Iraq on sketchy evidence of WMDs and cospiring with terrorist groups. Who did Saddam kill? A whole town of Kurds but in Bosnia hundreds of towns are tortured and then left for dead. Why did Peter Jennings have to die!!!!! He was the only one that knew this to be true but now it will be buried with them by a corrpt government with and evil smirk on its face as it holds a large wad of cash handed over from the cigareet company that killed him.
Monday, July 18, 2005
A Guy That is Funny Crazy
Everyone should watch The Mind of Mencia because he thinks that everyone should be made fun of because we have that freedom. He is right who should give a shit if someoene cracks a joke about one person, race, or religion. America is too politically correct and is fallling down because people who need someone to blame blame the people that are just being (for lack of a better word) casual and begin lawsuits.
WED. 10:30 Est.