Blue State's Unite. Here's the national debt figures. $National Debt

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Why Did We Attack Iraq?

Why did we do this? We didn't have enough evidence to attack (yeah, they had a lot of WMDs) and after awhile I think the war just turned into a hunt for Saddam (Krusty the Klown: Saddam Hussein? More like So Damn Insane!). Also hundreds of innocent people die every day over there and what for? Just so Dubya canhave some fun?

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My Thoughts On Abortion

Dear World,
Abortions can't be banned. Although killing innocent unborns is not right it would be physically impossible. First of all (just like drugs) there will be illegal abortions if we ban it because usually the people who have abortions are seedy people who wouldn't mind doing something like that. I said that to say this, if that child is born it will have a hard life no matter if it stays with the parents (see above) or if it goes to an orphanage. To all you religious people out there, if a child is born into a hard life that is worse than no existance or maybe going to Heaven