Blue State's Unite. Here's the national debt figures. $National Debt

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I Demand Action

I hate the fact that we (Americans) KNOW (NOT GUESSES NOT "I THINK..." BUT KNOW) that there are concentration camps in Bosnia but we do not admit that because we dont want to get invovled. Everyday people are killed because they are different. This especially pissies me off because we invaded Iraq on sketchy evidence of WMDs and cospiring with terrorist groups. Who did Saddam kill? A whole town of Kurds but in Bosnia hundreds of towns are tortured and then left for dead. Why did Peter Jennings have to die!!!!! He was the only one that knew this to be true but now it will be buried with them by a corrpt government with and evil smirk on its face as it holds a large wad of cash handed over from the cigareet company that killed him.